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Soda trays

Conversation between cousins Kåra Lars Erik and Björs Olle:

Olle, didn't you and I try our hand at business when we were in our younger teens - bought a few cases of drink from Abrahamsson's Johan and sat all night up by the barn up in Kusmyra or behind Kulthammar more precisely on midsummer evening. The old men bought for their grog, but I think we tasted quite a lot ourselves too.
I remember walking home over Kresfers in the wee hours that there was a fantastic light fog over Stene and I froze like a dog. Then the next day we crawled around trying to collect enough empty glasses for the return. I don't think we got rich on the coup, but it was a good try. Do you remember that??

Kåra Lars Erik

Oh Oh, I have strong dramatic memories of that midsummer night. Well we bought a back of soft drinks and then we sat at the junction of the Bil-ladan as it was called, don't ask me why it was called the Bil-ladan, it then disappeared when Kulthammar was built. I remember well when Franka Jonas (Jonas Frank from Nordsjö) started the dance with his wife, he was a good dancer and he was then Judge at Stenegården. As you said, we probably sold as many soda bottles as we drank ourselves, but then this happened. Furuström from Kåsjö participated, at least three brothers. We were just little kids, they were just hatched youngsters and they got quite drunk. Never forget when the youngest (perhaps Olle) calls out to the older (perhaps Pelle) Where is the browning when they are rattling around. Then the older brother came out and literally took them by the scruff of the neck and it was quiet outside the barn and then we just sat there and froze. There was drama in my young years that I will never forget.

Björs Olle