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Stones, stones, stones...

"Boys, when there's a price for stone, we'll be rich" Dad used to say. What I remember most are all the stones that were around in the fields, in the forest and around Kåragården. A little way up Grindstensberget just before Lappatäkten on the high side when coming from the bottom, there was the biggest rock I have ever seen. It must have measured at least 8 meters in diameter and the same height.

The childhood memory may make it seem bigger than it really was, but I remember taking my wife-to-be – born and bred in central London – and she was impressed too. From my earliest memories, I see KnåpaSven and his son Erik from above Uvas with their "step wagon" picking away boulders that were relatively shallow in the fields. An iron eye was drilled into the stone and with the help of a large stump breaker the stone was winched up and placed on a cart or sledge to be transported to a more suitable location. We had what we called a big stone out in the middle of the yard and when mom got really tired of not being able to see out to the road, dad saw to it that the stone was blown up and the view became clear even though it wasn't the same yard anymore. Next to each old woodshed at the end of the large barn is a relatively inconspicuous stone about one and a half meters high and wide, but which according to people who are psychic should be an elf stone and should be viewed with consideration.

Kåra Lars-Erik