Pellas on Klacken
Around 1965, there was a proposal to the farmers in Kåsjö and Stene to hold a common milking center for all the cows during the summer with an employed milking man or two to free up the farmers and the people on the farms for mowing and harvesting. The whole thing was called the "Collaboration Pasture Association" or Sambetesföreningen in Swedish.
The farms involved were Björs, Kåra and Kristoffers in Stene, Jakopas and Pellpers in Kåsjo, Hansas in Backen and BjörsLars who took over a homestead up in Skålbo. In round numbers, about a hundred cows were transported to Pellas on Klacken, which had been empty for a long time but were in good condition with enough extensions and housing for the one or those who would be in charge of the adventure. These cows would be milked morning and evening and fenced off for fresh pasture around Klacksbyn. An idyllic place and a practical solution to free the farmers from mowing and harvesting.
During two summers, my cousins Björs-Erik and Anders took care of the milking and did it very well. The only problem they had was that Pellas was far enough from the village but close enough for a bike ride on Saturday nights. There could be upwards of 20 comrades who showed up to "help" Erik and Anders. PellPers Magnus was more or less a trained chef from the military and usually handled the cooking. Spaghetti and meat sauce, fried sausage with potatoes and other goodies. Procurement was managed jointly through communication in advance.
Next door to Pellas was Jannes, where Johan and his wife lived during the summers. Jannes was a free-religious home and it was quite nice that the previous generation passed away and didn't have to see how the youth sanctified the day of rest and the night before. Jannes Olle, Johan's father had been 'disabled' and got around in a wheelchair, but despite this, he took care of the home with animals and mowing during his lifetime. In addition, he had as an extra job to ensure that the road from Kåsjö to Klacken was kept in order. It was not unusual to see Jannes Olle hurry along on his back along the sides of the road to keep brush and slush off the road or to fill potholes. His son, Jannes Johan worked at the carpentry factory in front of Järvsö and was a lively soul. He also liked a glass and loved singing and music. Johan had learned to play the guitar from salvation meetings and had a singing voice that was a joy to hear.
When dusk fell and his wife went to bed, Johan used to sneak down to Pella's with the guitar in his fist. A few glasses and he could sing and play for as long as he wanted.
One evening we heard for the first time the song 'Minnen från Svealund' - a tune made by a solitary farmer far away in the forest for Nianforshållet. 5 verses with a chorus and luckily my younger brother Gunnar was relatively sober and wrote down the lyrics. It was a night to remember and we felt like kings.
An episode from Erik and Anders' life at Pellas is worth mentioning. Erik had gone in to cook breakfast while Anders washed the softeners. It could be quite muddy and muddy when it rained and it had this morning. Erik had taken off his boots and was waddling around in the plastic stocking when Anders stepped into the kitchen. Erik hissed that "you must curse me take off your boot when you come in". Anders, who is a mean soul, did as told, whereupon Erik, after looking at Anders' bare, slightly clean feet, said "but put on the boot".
With falling milk prices and smaller herds, the business ceased after about twenty years and Pellas now stands empty and deserted and the fields are growing again with sedges and stinging nettles.
Björs-Anders had attached himself to Pellas and after retirement, bought a plot up by Hästhagens in Kåsjö and bought the building from Pellas and set it up as a permanent residence. One wonders if he hears laughter and songs from the walls on Saturday nights.
Kåra Lars-Erik
PS by Micke
The building that Anders found out, in Pellas, was the side building, which was largely unfurnished. He was helped by older brother Jonas to measure and mark up. Gunilla sketched the new and Jonas drew drawings - for the new location of "NyBjörs".